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Better Jobs for Alaska will make it easier for hardworking Alaska families struggling with our rising costs of living. It’s time to raise the minimum wage and make sure Alaska workers can earn paid sick days so they don’t have to choose between sending their sick kid to school or losing a day’s pay. Join us to be a part of this and stay updated at

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Too many Alaskans don’t get a single paid sick day. That’s wrong – and we’re going to fix that with Better Jobs for Alaska. Join us to be a part of this and stay updated at

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Alaskans working full time shouldn’t live in poverty, and that’s why we are going to raise the minimum wage with Better Jobs for Alaska. Join us:

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If you are one of the 40,000+ Alaskans who signed to get Better Jobs for Alaska on the ballot (or you volunteered), THANK YOU! You were here at the beginning – and we are going to make a difference for hardworking Alaska families. Keep in the loop by signing up at